We use FEM simulations in rail vehicle technology to ensure safety on the rails. Forces and accelerations from driving operations as well as different constellations of load types form the basis for the detailed calculations. We take into account internationally applicable regulations and standards as well as the constantly increasing requirements for personal safety. Fast and reliable results guarantee you short time-to-market times.
Our promise of optimum quality at low cost and efficient time utilisation is based on our 25 years of experience and the high number of structural analyses we have carried out.
We are your partner for:
Low-floor vehicles
Mainline locomotives
Two-way vehicles
Freight wagons
Another main focus is on the equipment: From the wet cell to the air conditioning, all components are analysed and evaluated down to the smallest detail using FEM structural mechanics. In this way, we can guarantee you safe and long-lasting operation in your future rail vehicle.
Don't forget passive safety in the interior of the vehicle body. Using anthropomorphic test devices (ATS), our FEM simulation guarantees the safety of the survival spaces of all passengers. This is an adaptation from many projects in our company in the automotive environment on this topic.
Would you like more details on how we can best support you with your product?
Take a look at our flyer or contact us for an initial discussion.
Would You like to contact us?
Gladly we are at your disposal for any questions!
Or call us: +49 (2154) 8874-0