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Only satisfied customers are long-term customers. That is why your satisfaction is the benchmark for our success. And we only achieve success by taking your wishes into account and implementing them into ideal solutions in shortest time along the whole process – this happens seamlessly and without frictional losses. Therefore we require your support to stay close to our customers.
Under the e-mail address customerservice(at)invenio.net we established a virtual post-office box which you can use to give us your feedback during the project phase.
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We are engineers, programmers, computer scientists, technicians and business people. We are customer understanders and industry experts. We are conceptionists and doers: We are invenio.
Various automation projects in the overview.
Sensing of welding particles
Controlled quality to avoid complaints
Purpose of the System
Automatic detection of particles in the components of the exhaust system (for example medium and end mufflers) in series production
Avoidance of complaints about undesired noises caused by particles inside
Manual or robot-operated system, Sensing of particles by assessing sound spectra in a sound-isolated measurement room integrated with the system, Four systems in series operation
Endurance tests on domestic products
High cycle count and exact measurement results
Purpose of the System
Simulation of wear and tear by simulated use and automatic measuring data analysis
Rapid and automatic simulated use via a high cycle count for pre-series testing respectively comprehensive testing of quality guarantee for series later on
Easy-operated test construction, Measurement of torques respectively geometric wear values for quality assessment
Test bench for the control of exhaust components
Full-automatic function and sealing test
Purpose of the System
Function tests on exhaust components: System tightness, functioning of exhaust flap, mobility of threads
Early fault detection leading to cost reduction by the quality assurance of the follow-up processes
Testing of system variants, Sealing analysis by means of pressure-drop test, as well as full-automatic sealing of all connected openings, Testing of thread moveability by means of torque-monitored screw modules, Testing of electric actuator of flap control, power consumption, closing angle and closure time
Leak test installation
Analysis of leakage devices for medium-conducting components
Purpose of the System
Full-automatic test of oil-conducting components, for example, with regards to the tightness of oil sumps
Testing of 100% tightness in series production – Product quality assurance and avoidance of faults in follow-up processes
Automatic leakage analysis by pressure-drop test, Automatic part tensioning and sealing of all openings, for example on flanges, thread bores or the openings for integrated components such as oil pumps
For many years, our company has had solution competence for all phases of the engineering process.
The automation of machines and plants is one of invenio's core competences. The well-rehearsed invenio team develops fully and semi-automated systems across all industries – from theory to practical implementation and from design to practical handling.
Gladly we are at your disposal for any questions!